Tune in! It's off at 4:20pm today in Canada on the Ozone Face! The riding field will then be "cut" and only the best will be allowed to continue to the finals in Fieberbrunn and Verbier.
FWT Riders' VLOG
"Conditions looking pretty good!" "We'll just find the biggest cliff and drop it!"
Max Hitzig and Valentin Rainer
Look back at their 2022 tour
and give an insight into their strong start to the 2023 season, with travel in an electric car.
The dismantling of a van
Why aren't there any ski soaps? This one is pretty close.
What's going on at TGR?
With the skidoo through powder in Utah and on a ski tour in Montana - "cheese grater rocks at the bottom!"
Low Pressure Podcast - Carl Regnér Eriksson
The coolest hat on tour!