Also ein Smartphone-artiges Geräte das auf Knopfdruck die Schneedecke analysiert. Eine Spurensuche, was dahintersteckt, beginnt am besten mit deren Werbevideo:
Gordon Pratt: “As I worked through the field aspects of my Level-2 avalanche certification a few years ago, I kept thinking there had to be a better way to characterize the stratigraphy and stability of the snowpack that was quicker and less subjective than snow pits and the hand hardness test."
Nikki Rota: "We started discussing technology and why on Earth wasn’t there a faster and more reliable way to assess avalanche risk. Digging a snow pit is not only a ton of work but also highly subjective."
Schon eigenartig, dass die beiden Gründer Schneeprofile als subjektiv bezeichnen. Der technische Kopf hinter dem Startup ist Dr. Rockee Zhang: “I have been working on crazy ideas and developments for new radars for decades." Auf seiner Institutshomepage findet sich zum Beispiel das MURON:
"MURON (Micro Unmanned Robot Observation Network) is a network of intelligent, autonomous, and reliable unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) for atmosphere observations over ocean being developed, and supported by Weathernews. Currently being deployed to multiple ocean sites."