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The PowderGuide Team | Part 2

Weather, technology and social media

by PowderGuide 12/10/2023
This week we introduce you to the next round of our PowderGuide team. Sebastian earns our PowderGuide weather, Johannes has been with PowderGuide for a while and takes care of the IT and Toni, Josh and Timo rock social media.

Name:                                   Sebastian K. Müller

Task area:                  Videos of the week, Weather, IT, Games+

Since:                            Winter 2019

What connects you to PG and what do you associate with PG?

I have been a user/visitor of since the 2000s and have always been impressed by the concept and the content very much. At some point I ordered Skistraps and asked why the section  "Videos of the week" no longer exists . Totti replied to me and cited lack of staff as the reason and offered me the job. That's how I ended up there. I write the VdW now since winter 2018/2019 and now get ski traps as many as I want - dream job!

My area of responsibility has since expanded to weather blogs, competitions and since 2023 also to the PG weather forecast developed by me. For me as a research meteorologist, the latter in particular is an exciting and practical application of my academic knowledge.

What excites, interests or fascinates you?

  • Bluebird+powder days in lonely valleys of the Julian Alps.

  • Numerical weather forecast and its visualisation.

Name:                                     Johannes Wolf

Field of activity:                  Sweepstakes, newsletter, IT

Since:                              2012  

What connects you to PowderGuide and what do you associate with PowderGuide?

I came to PowderGuide as a ConditionReporter. The subject of ski touring and safety management was still a rarity in my circle of friends, so I was intensively involved with the topic. That's how I came across PowderGuide. After a few years, I became a conditions reporter and reported on the current conditions. At some point I decided to join the editorial team. Since then I've been part of the PowderGuide core team. I associate PowderGuide above all with imparting knowledge about weather, avalanches and equipment. I will certainly always remember the legendary final meetings and the forum entry on the ski workshop, which is still in demand today.

What excites, interests or fascinates you?

I love nature and being outdoors, whether in winter or summer. For me, the mountains are a place where I can simply switch off. I am fascinated by pushing my own boundaries and showing what is possible. That's how I got into trail running a few years ago.

Name:                                     Antonia Paulus    

Field of activity:                   Social Media

Since:                               2022

What connects you to PowderGuide and what do you associate with PowderGuide?

I've been with Powderguide since 2022 and joined through the lovely Lea to strengthen the women's power. I've been active in social media ever since and support the editorial team wherever I can. Combining hobby and profession has always been my mission and PowderGuide offers me a playground for this. I also study physical education, geography and English in Innsbruck. In my free time you can usually find me on the mountain on one or two boards. I like to try out new things and there are few challenges that don't excite or inspire me. My motto in life is "give and take". And that's why I really enjoy being part of the PowderGuide team and learning with and from each other.

What excites, interests or fascinates you?

In addition to powder descents, I've been really keen on the ascent lately. With this year's rise in lift prices, there's probably not much in the way of a ski touring season and I'm looking forward to untracked slopes! In summer, the element of water in its liquid form is very interesting for me. Travelling, surfing, swimming and new adventures are my favourite things 😊

Name:                                    Joshua Verhoeven             

Area of responsibility:                  Social Media, PowderGuide Shop

Since:                               2020

What connects you to PowderGuide and what do you associate with PowderGuide?

I grew up in Davos, one of the largest ski resorts in Switzerland. I have always been passionate about skiing. When I was given the opportunity to work at PowderGuide, I was delighted to be able to contribute my expertise in the webshop and social media. It's great fun to be part of this cool team and to drive projects forward together.

What connects you to PowderGuide and what do you associate with PowderGuide?

I'm always on the lookout for new experiences and adventures. I also like realising projects with my friends and mastering new challenges together

Name:                                      Timo Macvan

Field of activity:                 Social media, articles, establishing contacts with ski resorts

Since:                               2022

What connects you to PowderGuide and what do you associate with PowderGuide?

Servus, Hoi and Salut to all mountain friends,

My name is Timo, I am 26 years young and originally come from the flattest part of Europe, where we live partly below sea level, from the west of Germany close to the border of the Netherlands. Since then, I have gained many different experiences and am always learning new things.

My main task at PG is to seek contact with mountain railway companies, tourism associations and ski resorts in Switzerland in order to be as close as possible to the latest freeride developments. I also report live from various events on the web and on social media. I've also had the opportunity to test some of our partners' equipment and share my opinions with the community.

I'm really looking forward to the new tasks in the current season and above all the further development on various levels of PowderGuide, such as the new website and the weather. I really hope that this year I can once again provide exciting insights into the Freeride World Tour!

What excites, interests or fascinates you?

I am fascinated by sport and nature! I love seeking out and mastering challenges in nature and sport. That's why I'm out and about in nature all year round with all kinds of sports equipment or simply on foot in search of new adventures. I like going uphill, but of course I like going downhill even more. I love gliding over water with the help of the wind or using the direct force of the water to surf waves.

I am also fascinated by people and their behaviour. I like to ponder why a person does something or wants to experience something. This question is particularly exciting for me in relation to sport. Why does a person go to their limits, why do they take a risk?

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