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Zachs Lyngen-Report: Teil 3/2014

Neues aus Nordnorwegen, 14.4.2014

von Zach Paley • 14.04.2014
I’ve not been on land much lately. With a bonus trip unexpectedly added to my schedule, the past two weeks have been anything but full of rest and skiing the photogenic terrain I seek in Lyngen. Flat light and terrain drive the mind to wander towards larger things. That said, the skiing has, finally, been pretty good.

I’ve not been on land much lately. With a bonus trip unexpectedly added to my schedule, the past two weeks have been anything but full of rest and skiing the photogenic terrain I seek in Lyngen. Flat light and terrain drive the mind to wander towards larger things. That said, the skiing has, finally, been pretty good. Cooler temperatures have kept snow pretty consistent to the seas, and relatively light winds up high have left us windbuffed snow on sheltered aspects. The joy of a coastal climate is the tendency for things to bond quickly, so steep skiing can be found for those up to the task.

 Days on the Vulkana, though I love them, are long. It’s amazing what one can do without sleep when you share a room with your work-happy boss. I’m looking forward to some sleep where I’m not rocked out of my bed, and pursuing the trials and tribulations of my own in the mountains for the next couple weeks.  Looking at the forecast, things are supposed to be getting warm in Lyngen. It’s safe to say one should come up before spring pries Lyngen from winter’s clutches, and the “Norwegian Hand” takes powder skiing from us until the days grow short again.


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