As described in Martin's last article, combating man-made climate change requires more than individualised, morally correct behaviour. It requires collective change that is triggered at various levels in order to ultimately have an impact at a political level. In this way, beyond the personal behaviour of people, politicians will be called upon to do something for a climate-friendly future for humanity. The aim should be to change the structural conditions that are the cause of the current climate crisis. Achieving this goal requires attention, both within and outside the ski community. For this reason, there are so-called "non-governmental organisations" (NGOs) whose goals are precisely this. NGOs are non-governmental interest groups that see their task at creating public awareness for their cause through activities and thus contributing to social change.
One NGO that has dedicated itself to the cause of climate protection and wants to draw more attention to it, especially in the outdoor sports community, is "Protect Our Winters Austria", or POW in short. Some readers may have heard of POW before, especially in many ski resorts and urban areas, POW uses stickers to attract attention and shows that environmental protection can also be aesthetic. Nevertheless, some people do not know what is actually behind the blue stickers with the snowflake, which is why we now want to explain the content of POW's work.
Martin wants to show why membership of POW is worthwhile and that they can do much more than just cool stickers and good social media content.