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    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 22 2023/24 | Another southern storm to end the season

      Lea Hartl 05/01/2024
      The WeatherBlog is taking a summer break, unless there's another onset of winter with corresponding blog inspiration in between. Over the next few days, the south-west will be in full swing again - there would probably be a PowderAlert if our oracle wasn't already in summer mode.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 21 2023/24 | Winter restart - how could this happen?

      Sebastian Müller 04/24/2024
      Ein bisserl Neuschnee auch in den Dolomiten
      A short while ago we were water-skiing or riding bikes, and now, at the end of April, we suddenly find ourselves in winter. How could this have happened? It's cold throughout the Alps and it's snowing quite a lot, especially on the northern slopes. If you really missed it, 2 PowderAlarms and rows of 4-star ConditionsReports should be enough proof. Powder skis should be the first choice up to and including the weekend!
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 20 2023/24 | April summer & short onset of winter

      Lea Hartl 04/10/2024
      The weather can be summarised as follows at the moment: Before the summer is after the summer is before the summer and sometimes it snows. At the moment we're in a "it's snowing again" phase. Tomorrow summer will return.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 19 2023/24 | Summer, sun, desert dust

      Lea Hartl 04/03/2024
      Foehn storms in the north, metres of fresh snow at (very) high altitudes in the south, record temperatures followed by a sharp drop in temperature with a cold front: the last few days have been quite something. The weather has now calmed down somewhat. The next, much weaker southerly foehn is on the horizon for the weekend, probably with summer heat and no precipitation.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 18 2023/24 | Some background for the current PowderAlert

      Lea Hartl 03/27/2024
      The PowderAlert already announced it: The southerly flow is back and the next few days will be turbulent. The traditional Easter snowfall will only fall as snow at very high altitudes on the main ridge and in the south. Otherwise there will be rain and foehn winds with very high temperatures.
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    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 17 2023/24 | Fresh precipitation and a hot Atlantic

      Sebastian Müller 03/20/2024
      My last weather blog had the honour of announcing a winter comeback, and this time at least I don't have to proclaim the end of winter. A lot is falling from the sky across the Alps again, and at least in high Alpine locations you can expect an improvement in the snow conditions and some powder. For lovers of apocalyptic news, we also have the finest entertainment: the Atlantic is boiling!
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 16 2023/24 | Still changeable

      Lea Hartl 03/13/2024
      The series of southerly storms seems to be over for the time being and the medium term looks like (south)westerly weather. Otherwise, we have various "Miscellaneous" blog items this time.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 15 2023/24 | February too warm for March

      Lea Hartl 03/06/2024
      The mean temperature for February this year corresponds to a warmer than average March. In all Alpine countries, February was much warmer than usual and records were broken in many cases. The statistical winter (December, January, February) was also one of the warmest on record. Of course, the skiing winter is not over yet, and there will be more to come in the south at the weekend.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 14 2023/24 | Between southern storms

      Lea Hartl 02/28/2024
      Last week's pattern is set to repeat itself: After a brief interlude of high pressure on Thursday, the southern flow will return with föhn in the north and wet weather in the south. Winter at altitude will continue and the mild, slushy spring at lower elevations will too.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 13 2023/24 | Winter comeback and the AMOC collapse

      Sebastian Müller 02/21/2024
      Cumuli am Horizont
      On the southern side of the Alps, you could almost forget that winter isn't over yet: the first flowers are sprouting and a few cumulus clouds are already looming on the horizon. But wait, winter is making a comeback, and quite impressively too! We also turn our attention to the AMOC, which is once again in the spotlight thanks to a new study.
    • WeatherBlogs

      WeatherBlog 12 2023/24 | Still much too warm

      Lea Hartl 02/14/2024
      Wolkenszenerie über dem Inntal
      Winter made a brief appearance in the south last week, as the latest ConditionReports show. CRs from the north, on the other hand, indicate that the snow is becoming less, at least regionally. According to Salta's CR from 10 February, "Great cloud scenery and very pleasant slush snow" are highlights of recent touring days in the northern Alps. Jacobanselm even found a small layer of powder on 13 February and "only" south-facing sharks.