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ContestHappening 09 2017/2018 | The final

The 2017/18 contest season comes to a successful end on Bec

by Tobias Huber 04/03/2018
The winners of the 2018 Freeride World Tour (FWT) have been announced. At the Xtreme Verbier on the relatively snow-covered Bec des Rosses in Valais, Manuela Mandl (AUT) from Vienna came third and thus won the women's snowboard tour. Victory in Verbier went to Marion Haerty (FRA). The snowboarder winner was Sammy Luebke (USA), who also came first in the overall standings for the third time in a row.

Mickael Bimboes (FRA) once again took victory in the skiers' event; Kristofer Turdell (SWE) had already been crowned world champion before the event. In the field of female skiers, the new tour winner Arianna Tricomi (ITA) won ahead of Lorraine Huber (AUT) and Eva Walkner (AUT).

The day began with blue skies for the snowboarders, but clouds gathered as the morning progressed. The Bec des Rosses (3223 m) welcomed the athletes with a lot of snow, which was, however, partly wind-blown and therefore not easy to ski. Some of the cliffs were a little lower than in previous years, and the landings and their run-outs also seemed a little safer this time. At the riders' start time, the view of the contours on the northern slope was often not so easy. Nevertheless, many riders took advantage of the relatively safe conditions for the Bec to perform spectacular high-speed runs and several freestyle tricks, some of which were massive.

Snowboard men

Elias Elhardt (GER), the first starter for the snowboarders and wildcard rookie, shone with an equally fluid and technical first run on the Bec with several jumps and a backside 360. This performance earned him second place behind Sammy Luebke, who was unbeatable today. The American showed an outstanding big mountain run with several drops in the most exposed part of the slope and took his second win of the season after first place in Andorra. As a result, he moved up from fourth to first place in the overall standings.

Third place went to Davey Baird (USA) ahead of Thomas Feurstein (AUT), who jumped two 180s and two 360s. Gigi Rüf (AUT) delighted the spectators with a big 360 in the steep slope at the beginning and a double cliff drop in the lower section, but had problems in the middle of the slope with the wind and the snow that had blown a bit there. He therefore finished sixth. Thomas Feurstein thus ends his second FWT season in second place in the overall standings, with Gigi Rüf finishing fourth behind Davey Baird (USA).

Men's skiing

Among the skiers, Kristofer Turdell (SWE) was already confirmed as the winner of the tour, but was unable to compete in the Bec due to an injury. Nevertheless, victory in the world's most prestigious big mountain contest was hotly contested. Despite the difficult conditions, the athletes produced some interesting runs. Mickael Bimboes (FRA), the winner of the fourth FWT event in Fieberbrunn, impressed the jury with an extremely high cliff drop in the steepest slope area to take the win. Second place went to 19-year-old Craig Murray (NZL), who performed two wide 360s on very high cliffs. Close behind in third place was Markus Eder (ITA), who performed a 360 and a nosebutter 360. Markus Eder and Mickael Bimboes are therefore behind Turdell in the overall standings.

Women's snowboard

This time, the women didn't start on the Petit Bec, but on the left shoulder of the big Bec, at the start of the "Dogleg Couloir". In the women's snowboarding category, victory went to defending champion Marion Haerty (FRA), who managed a fluid and confident run with numerous jumps, and you could see from her carefree line that she could only win the overall standings if Manuela Mandl made a mistake. She had virtually nothing to lose and was able to attack fully. Second place went to Anna Orlova (RUS). Manuela Mandl (AUT) showed a controlled, flawless run with several smaller jumps, which was completely understandable in her situation, and thus secured overall victory in her second FWT season. "I'm very happy to be on the podium at the Xtreme and even happier to have won the world title," said Manuela Mandl. "It was a tough day because it was difficult to show a calculated run. I couldn't risk everything and opted for a safe line so as not to jeopardize the title."

Women's skiing

The women's competition was fiercely contested. Arianna Tricomi (ITA) skied very smoothly despite the somewhat flat light and put a whole series of jumps into the slope. This meant victory in Verbier and thus also first place in the overall standings. Despite Tricomi's consistently good results, the title fight remained a neck-and-neck race between her and Eva Walkner right to the end. Second place went to defending champion Lorraine Huber (AUT), who produced a technical run with two high cliff drops. Walkner came third, standing two high jumps and a double cliff drop, but receiving deductions for control. In the overall standings, she finished the season in second place ahead of Lorraine Huber.

While the Freeride World Tour is now over for 2018, the final of the European Qualifier Series will take place next weekend in Obergurgl (AUT). The overall winners have not yet been decided and there will certainly be a tough fight for the few places on the tour. Here is the current ranking.

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