This time: Avalanche Forecasting (Session 11)
This session is about forecasting the avalanche situation in operational mode. The contributions can be roughly divided into the following thematic subgroups:
Data-based approaches to sharpening definitions.
Local vs. regional avalanche forecasting and bridging this scale difference
Modern technical tools for warning services
As usual, we will go through the abstracts in order and summarize them briefly.
Data-based approaches to sharpening spongy definitions, typical and atypical patterns
As skiers who use avalanche warnings and forecasts, we are used to the regional avalanche situation reports that are common in the Alps, which give us an overview of the situation in the region - be it a federal state or a mountain group. As winter sports enthusiasts, we of course know that snow conditions often vary greatly on a small scale and that it is therefore often not so easy to say something generally valid about a whole region, even if you just want to tell your buddy what the snow is like at the moment. But that's exactly what the warning services have to do every day. The well-known danger level scale, the avalanche problems and various other formalisms ensure the greatest possible consistency to ensure that everyone is largely talking about the same thing and understands the same thing. On the other hand, neither the subjectivity of human avalanche forecasters nor that of users can ever be completely eliminated. Although the danger levels of the five-part European scale are defined on the basis of the probability of triggering, avalanche size and distribution of danger spots, it is well known that words such as "possible" and "probable" leave room for interpretation.
An SLF team is analyzing at which danger level how many avalanches occur and how large they are in order to better quantify words such as "possible" and "probable". The frequency of spontaneous releases increases strongly with the danger level (non-linear). It is particularly interesting that the avalanche size hardly changes with the danger level in the Swiss data set. A higher danger level means more avalanches, not necessarily larger ones ( Quantifying the obvious: The avalanche danger level, Schweizer et al.). However, the situation appears to be different in Colorado: Here, an increase in avalanche size tends to be observed with the danger level. The increase in the number of avalanches observed is also more or less linear with the danger level. The American danger level scale differs slightly from the European scale, but it is not clear whether this is the reason for the differences (Patterns in avalanche events and regional scale avalanche forecasts in Colorado, USA, Logan and Greene).
If it snows a lot, avalanches will occur at some point. And in spring, the timing of wet snow avalanches is related to the diurnal variation in temperature. So far, so obvious. However, quantifying this correlation based on data and defining the temporal dependency of avalanches and weather events in more detail is not so easy. Another SLF study explains that information from increasingly available, automatic avalanche detection systems (radar, seismic) can help to identify corresponding patterns. This is mainly because they notice more outflows than human observers, who are dependent on good visibility. After a precipitation event, it can take up to several days for avalanches causally linked to the precipitation to occur. In the case of energy input in spring and wet snow avalanches, this usually only takes a few hours. The better the data basis, the better such patterns can be recognized and the better they can be integrated into avalanche forecasting (When do avalanches release: Investigating time scales in avalanche formation, van Herwijnen et al.).